The rapid change of today's technology in recent years has brought new technological terms and caused the existing terms to alter their role and/or meaning. The term diplomacy, which is classically defined as "a set of agreements regulating international relations", has evolved into digital diplomacy with the development of technology and has led to the emergence of a new type of diplomacy. The internet, one of the components of developing technology, has changed the orientation of international relations and cooperation. Especially with the development of digital media networks and the rapid access to very different segments simultaneously, digital diplomacy has become a new form/field of diplomacy by separating it from classical diplomacy. However, cyber diplomacy can be described as using diplomatic tools and diplomatic thinking to solve problems in cyberspace [1]. Cyber diplomacy has also recently been recognized as an international cooperation tool to prevent the proliferation of cyber attacks and to maintain the peaceful use of digital technology in the digital age [2]. While Nye used the term “soft power” to describe the power of influence of the nation based mainly on perceived value, social norms, and image, the concept of soft power entered the literature as shaping the preferences of others through seduction rather than coercion [3-4]. In addition, military and economic tools used to influence the behavior of political bodies is called "hard power". This study has been designed to contain the use of new terms (digital and cyber diplomacy) that have entered the literature with the developing technology, interchangeably and/or with different meanings. This study is hoped to eradicate the confusion among users of these terms, which cannot be clearly differentiated, and to determine the terminology.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Digital Diplomacy, Cyber Diplomacy, International Relations

