After the invention of writing, the invention of the camera and camera is an important stage in the transfer and accumulation of knowledge, culture and values. While the industrial revolution accelerated production and consumption, cinema carried the cultural, religious and moral heritage accumulated by the written culture much further. With cinema, the cultural development, change and deterioration of societies accelerated, and media and content production moved to very different areas. While the process of westernization, modernization and breaking away from core values is frequently spoken by Islamic societies, we can say that the cinema content is caught off guard and recklessly, which triggers and accelerates this process, which may be the reason why the society adopts western values and sometimes attacks its core values. In order to manage this process, first of all, it is essential to deal with cinema with social values and a universal perspective, and to create a guide for those who produce content for cinema, directors and technical staff. It has been experienced many times in history that religious values play an important role in the unification of society and its clinging against enemy elements. It is seen that fiqh, which regulates the relations of the individual and society with religion, has slowed down in terms of the conditions and requirements of the modern age. Cinema in the West has been one of the most important tools that can show examples of a humane and Islamic perspective on things, people, and contribute to the construction of the future without obsessing over the past and forgetting it. While Turkish Cinema was writing its own story, the fact that religion, which is one of the most important elements of society, was not represented in this cinema, caused the spread of negative information, feelings and images about religion through art. While faculties of theology work for the production and transmission of religious knowledge, the way for society to reconcile with religion through art should be paved. Cinematic fiqh is necessary for this. In our study, the methods and justifications for how to make Cinema Fiqh will be discussed.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Law, Fiqh, Movie, Documentary

